
16 posts


Dear members,

in this email you will find the invitation of the Belgian Championships. 

The date of the Championships in changed to the 2nd of december 2023! 

This because some couples had an issue with the date being on the samen date as the World Championships. 

Due to this problem we had a meeting with our officials of the BRBF-FBRB and changed the date to the 2nd of december. 

We chose this date because of several reasons. 
As said before 25/11 is a problem for some dancers who want to be present on the World Championships. 
On 09/12 is also a World Cup by WRRC where some dancers would like to participate. 
16/12 is no option for most of the dancers due to exams. 

We hope to see you all on the 2nd of december to have a great ending of our season! 


Kenny Philippaars

President BRBF-FBRB 

Invitation: here

New season of competitions: 8th of October!

You can find the invitation here: Invitation

Wij hebben het genoegen u uit te nodigen op de préselectie van het Belgisch Kampioenschap Rock ’n Roll, Boogie Woogie, teams, formaties en Open Showdance.

Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à notre présélection pour le championnat de Belgique, du Rock ’n Roll, Boogie Woogie, teams, formations et Open Showdance.

Zu unserer Freude möchten wir Sie einladen zu unsere Preselection für das Belgische Meisterschaft Rock ‘n’ Roll, Boogie Woogie, Teams,Formationen und Open Showdance’

OC De Vrede

Lichtaartseweg 131 2250 Olen

Wouters Wim brbfrock@gmail.com gsm: +32 486 / 69 51 53 Excell BRBF-FBRB

14.00 u (deuren open om 12.30u)

5,00 euro/ danser, danseur, tanzer 5,00 euro/ toeschouwer, spectateur, zuschauer

Wedstrijdmuziek doorsturen naar brbfrock@gmail.com voor 2/10/23 (enkel MP3 files)

Dear members, dancers, coaches and friends!

Last weekend, we had our yearly Benelux Championships hosted by the Stardancers in Diepenbeek!

Thank you all for you support and enthusiasm in the audience! Hope to see you next year again in 2024 with even more participants!

Here are the results of this amazing competition: Results

We have also updated the Ranking! Who is gonna be the new Ranking champion in your category?

For some nice pictures of this event, please visit our Facebook Page! And do not forget to like us there!

Have a “Rock and roll” summer break,

See you in the fall, on the next competition on the 23rd of September!
